Yilan Count Dongshan Townshi

San-fu Leisure Farm


Founded in 1989, San-fu Leisure Farm is situated near Renshan Botanical Garden and Sinliao Waterfall with an area of approximately 10 hectares. The beautiful scenery there includes lime flowers, pomelo flowers, purple peonies, Chinese mulberry, and cinnamon flowers, as well as mountain spring water, butterflies, and a variety of cute animals.

Bind pieces of paper into fabric book covers to make a one-of-a-kind handmade book. Or you can paint gourds, wooden clogs, frog piggy banks, or taste some noodles, meat and rice porridge, vegetables, and mung bean soup.

Daytime and nighttime ecological tours are offered, with tour guides taking you on a search for frogs, fireflies, butterflies, and spiders.Farm fresh spices and plants are used to make the pomelo rock cakes, coffee, and fresh grapefruit tea served at the Forest of Purple House restaurant. There are also exclusively made healthy, delicious meals made from winter melon, including winter melon steamed fish and winter melon slices with fish.

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旅客評價 (Google Map)

Katherine L

超級推薦。住宿兩天一夜看螢火蟲,無論環境還是人員,都是100分。 晚上帶看螢火蟲解說,還會順便介紹園區內的其他昆蟲(青蛙,竹節蟲,人面蜘蛛……) 餐點健康美味,早餐是十種以上的可口青菜和滷肉,配上誠意滿滿的地瓜粥,還有吐司,咖啡和豆漿……每一樣都感受到用心 小孩早上賴床沒吃到早餐,午餐本來沒供餐,經詢問後,直接提供一大鍋炒飯,超級美味,真的是非常推薦。

Katherine L

園區環境清幽,這次住宿的方案是一人2500含一泊二食及下午茶/DIY二選一,餐點部分普通但茶不錯喝,晚餐部分朋友推薦炸魚排。 晚上有螢火蟲導覽,但每梯次人數都蠻多的,建議可以增加人力分小團導覽,且有些人可能即使有包玻璃紙仍拍照誤觸閃光,建議同團由專人拍照後上傳臉書大家下載就好,手機拍照其實不是很明顯,同時有可能影響螢火蟲生態。

lee naya

1.農場環境舒服, 乾淨 2.房價偏高早餐餐點需加強符合房價水準 3.賞營活動建議行前可以請遊客關掉手機的照相功能,許多遊客想照相卻沒有關掉閃光燈.及宣導不要用手抓螢火蟲,導覽員抓螢火蟲給遊客看其實很傷害螢火蟲.因為住宿賞營遊客眾多,假日大人小孩一梯次就有約百人吧,建議園區多宣導正確賞營行為


這邊就像宜蘭秘境世外桃源般的生態園區 有超舒適無敵景觀的挑高房間 根本就是在住高級飯店吧🤣 還有下午茶跟親切的小姐姐教導我們做手作 小孩竟然可以乖乖坐著完成,真的很有趣 也特別感謝知耘姐姐耐心陪伴我們教導孩子 晚上飽餐一頓飯後就跟著大象老師去看滿滿的螢火蟲~太夢幻了! 老師幽默風趣的講解還帶著我們看到好多新朋友 穿紅內褲的青蛙、會放屁的竹節蟲、蜘蛛、蝦蝦⋯ 從導覽中學到場主跟所有人員用心維護自然環境 大朋友小朋友都玩得很開心 絕對大推給身邊有小孩的家庭 四五月份還有限定版螢火蟲之旅超讚的👍

