Yilan Count Yuanshan Townshi

Hua Quan Living Workshop (Hua Quan Leisure Farm)

A Few Words from the Owner

People who love ginger lilies cannot miss out on the Hua Quan Leisure Farm. We welcome you all to experience the beauty of nature first hand.


Once you step into the Hua Quan Leisure Farm, you will begin to enjoy its natural purity, which will provide you with an environment to live freely, simply, and without the pollution and noise of the city. You don’t need to spend big money on happiness. The farm has many natural fountains emerging from the ground, clean and cool to the touch. Those of you who love to be surrounded by nature can experience a simple and primitive lifestyle. The clear riverside is filled with flowers, camphor trees, and all kinds of aquatic plants planted by the owner to enrich the natural ecosystem. Visitors can find shade under the camphor trees and admire the beauty and abundance of various plants. Under the sunlight in the early morning, you can see handsome Ospreys (also known as fish eagles or fish hawks) hunting fish, and observe amphibian species when night comes.


GPS:E121 42.16

旅客評價 (Google Map)

Jerry Wu


Jerry Wu



看著宜蘭的山,旁邊的溪水,遠離塵囂的城市~ 門票可以全抵,餐點野薑花肉粽很香、水餃、鬆餅真的好吃😋,老闆和老闆娘很親切,老闆的小朋友也很可愛,下次還會再來👍




使用225的卷入場的,所以有附做小水族箱的行程,裡面的小魚小蝦都要自己去溪水池子裏頭撈,結果因為我們一直撈不到然後就延續撈了兩個小時…最後還是下雨把水弄濁了才抓到小魚一條。 農場裡頭有遇到兩隻很會營業的可愛三花貓貓,特別會撒嬌,拿餅乾喂她就可以開心摸。 目前在整修所以有船的那個池塘不能進去,地板有點泥濘,走起來有點不舒服但不影響遊玩(反正我就是想玩水抓小魚小蝦才去的),適合不怕直接踩進溪水和岸邊草叢撈東西的人去體驗。 鞦韆水池裡面會有一點都不怕人的魚在腳邊游來游去,可以用腳和他們互相攻擊。 食物份量和定價感覺沒有很誇張超值或不值,金棗的水晶粽很好吃,野薑花肉粽也不錯但食量大的人會吃不飽(推薦田香鬆餅,切塊鬆餅帶著淡鹹味加上楓糖漿和品質不錯的奶油大大一個比較有飽足感),冰沙真材實料算是意外美味了,但因為都是現做所以要等一段時間,大約等了半小時多。 做完之後的小瓶子很可愛,裡面的蝦子和魚都很喜歡,老闆一家也都很親切抓不到東西的時候經常下場來救援XD 總的來說物超所值吧,跑了不只一個用卷的行程,這家算是規劃比較完善合理的,推薦。