Hsinchu Count Wufeng Townshi


Fairy Lake Leisure Farm is in Nanshi Village, Dongshan District, with an area of 52 hectares. It is rainy in summer and dry in winter here, which is good for the growth of longan trees-- the longan fruits are big while the seeds small. Little rain in winter enhances the sweetness of the fruits; eating the pulpy texture of the flesh is really an enjoyment.

The Tian Ma Ma utilizes the sweet and warm properties of longan to add flavors to the dishes and nurture the body. The popular “Longan and Egg with Sautéed Ginger in Sesame-Oil ” was the post natal meal in the old days, and the Tian Ma Ma puts it in the menu and she sautés the ginger and longan flesh in the sesame oil before adding the egg wash to stir fry into a sweet and salty egg dish. It will surely warm the body up in the cold wintertime.

“Dragon Crouching over a Pearl” is a dish that peanuts are stuffed in longan; “Potherb Roll” is the poached vegetable fern rolled up in the nori flake. “Potherb Pot for Health” is the free-ranched chicken soup together with the sesame-oil sautéed ginger and dozens of potherbs and Chinese medicine. Even the ceylon olive used in the sauce is home grown. You won’t find this unique concoction and pot dish anywhere but here in Fairy Lake Leisure Farm.

旅客評價 (Google Map)

tomoya Chang
2 個月前

聽著溪流的流水聲很是悠閒,全區都有雨棚,縱深300,面寬600,但中間有個柱子一些較大的帳不太好擺進去。 下夏天來應該很不錯。

tomoya Chang
8 個月前

很普通的營區、只有鐵皮跟水泥地 但維持的算乾淨 浴室的熱水冷熱很分明、難控制洗的很痛苦 唯一賣點應該就是旁邊的溪

10 個月前

露營區設備滿簡陋但是該有的還是都有 收費方式是一帳$1000 大哥不會一直在 但是蠻親切的也跟我們說怎麼玩更安全 地點真的太好了!不用費力下去就到溪邊 過溪就有超美超爽的游泳池可以跳水游泳 岸邊也有淺的地方可以泡水曬太陽

10 個月前


Joanne Li
1 年前

距離對於住台北的朋友來說是個很不錯的選擇! 營位給的很大器!全區雨棚,B1區曬不到太陽,是最佳的營位 B2區獨立包區,想要安靜的朋友可以選擇這裡 5月份螢火蟲很多,週六還會有原住民體驗活動及螢火蟲導覽,非常推薦帶小朋友來參加! 並沒有遇到跳蚤問題,山上蚊蟲是難免的 浴廁及冷凍庫的部分若能再改善,相信會更好!