Yilan Count Datong Townshi

Atayal Flavor Restaurant

The restaurant started in 2002, a family business from the mother to the son and the dishes are very Atayal.

Alianthus Prickly Ash Drunken Chicken
Sauces made of alianthus prickly ash over the drunken chicken and the passion fruit as well as green papayas make the dish, which is very popular in summer time. The texture of the drunken chicken is tender and juicy; the passion fruit and green papaya enriches the taste.
Makau Sausage
The sausage is made of black pork, and it is very tasty either roasted or fried; and finally drizzle the Makau sauce to make the dish.
Steamed Sandwich with Free Ranch Pork
In the past, the indigenous people used alianthus prickly ash and coral reef Makau as the food materials or spices. The feature of the steamed sandwich is the flour bun which is made with alianthus prickly ash powder. And the pork is from the free range pigs raised in the mountain. Pork sautéed over high heat then sandwiched into the bun, which is the indigenous people’s burger.


GPS:E121 35.25

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旅客評價 (Google Map)

Maverick Liou
1 個月前


Maverick Liou
1 個月前

喔喔 吃過那麼多原住民料理 第一次吃到那麼好吃又美味健康 尤其那馬告做的任何一道菜及打拿做的抄蛋 香就是香 沒吃過 日後一定會懷念

1 個月前


1 個月前

當日打電話要預訂餐廳,結果老闆娘說她們休息,我們失望打算回民宿吃泡麵,後來老闆娘佛心來著不忍我們11個人餓肚子,打電話來說要煮給我們吃啊⋯⋯太高興了不用吃泡麵了😆 我們點了$3000的合菜還加了一份油雞, 還外帶了一份炸喜那拼地瓜,老闆娘親切好手藝,當天點的菜全吃光光CP值超高,非常推薦的一間餐廳👍

Simonetta Ho
2 個月前

田媽媽是一間每到宜蘭太平山、武陵一帶會造訪的店,位在山腳下的小村落中,建議要先訂位,營業時間也只有短短的兩個餐期。 這裡的料理很忠實呈現食材原味,調味都不是重油重鹹的路線(因此可能不適合所有人),打那雞清涼爽口,肉質Q彈完全無負擔,合菜也可以加價換自己屬意的菜色,如我們就加了魚,清蒸的口味,讓魚肉鮮甜嫩口,非常美味。山豬肉刈包融合原民與漢人料理,炸野菜、馬告生菜等等都很好吃。免費的飲料,有加原民香料,夏天喝到簡直消暑享受。 每年造訪品質都很穩定,吃完附近也有不少客家菜包、粿、滷味的店可以逛,推薦。