Hualien Count Shoufeng Townshi

Chihnan National Forest Recreation Area

Situated to either side of Carp Lake in Shoufeng Township of Hualien County, Chihnan National Forest Recreation Area spans 144 hectares of Chihnan and Papaya Hill forest districts, and ranges from 140 to 601 meters above sea level. Sunny and breezy with a mean annual temperature of 21.8 oC, the humid Chihnan area is an excellent place for outdoor activities in eastern Taiwan.

This area is located at the northern end of the Huatung (Hualien-Taitung) valley plain, which is part of the narrow valley fault; Subsequently, there are many steep mountains and rugged terrain around the 601-meter high Carp Hill. On the top of the hill, visitors can overlook Papaya Hill, Central Mountain range cliffs, the entire Coastal Mountain ranges, and the river terrace and surrounding valleys, which are not easy for climbing. There are river-eroded terrains where Tongwenlan creek, a tributary of Mugua Creek, was invaded by Hualien, forming a broad dried valley, and then becoming a natural lake, Carp Lake, after years of water accumulation. Visitors can enjoy a fantastic view if they look down to the area surrounding Hualien River, Mugua Creek, Carp Lake, and Lao River. The view of the sparkling Carp Lake and endless hills to the distance is picturesque.


Opening hours:08:00~17:00
Mon.~Fri.-Adults NT$40, Children NT$25, Concession NT$10; Weekends & Holidays-Adults NT$50, Children NT$25, Concession NT$10

旅客評價 (Google Map)




1.環境非常優美寧靜。 2.位置所在半山腰上,視野遼闊,可以俯瞰整個鯉魚潭。 3.接待人員熱忱細心。 4.解說詳盡。 5.森林資料豐富。 6.保留伐木時代的器械工具。 7.距離花蓮市區不遠,提供極佳休閒遊樂靜心健走的場所。 8.周邊的旅遊景點很多,可以串成一系列的旅程。

KO-SE Chang
1 週前

幾位志工解說很詳細, 今天也很幸運看到火金姑, 也聽到很多種青蛙的叫聲( 搭配志工解說不同青蛙有不同的叫聲), 很棒,希望能夠 延續下去。

Vivian Lin
3 週前


4 個月前

第ㄧ次踏進國家森林售票亭,不是直接和你說收費多少,是站在門口說你好,詢問是否要用今年國民免門票還是縣民優惠(25元),貼心告知雨天步道濕滑,提醒加件外套,而且有落實量體溫填資料,展覽館確實實行戴口罩,雖然是小型森林園區,但口頭的提醒,比拿發票和丟ㄧ張保險單跟導覽宣章給遊客溫暖多了,太魯閣服務中心的人員也是這樣,花蓮的國家公園好優質,林木器具很大型很值得ㄧ看,步道階梯和鯉魚山是ㄧ樣的,可眺望小百岳鯉魚山,這裡海拔不高卻有高海拔的空氣和對面的鯉魚山普通山林的樹種完全不同,這裡有小型松柏,環溪步道溪流很大,中間有很長木鐵道,應該是給蹦蹦車使用,有ㄧ條平緩地可以賞荖溪,園區的步道都可以走遍,花50元門票進來,個人覺得比林田山林業豐富多了,有芬多精森林的清幽,展覽館的觀景台下雨起霧讓我以爲是站在高海拔國家公園的美景。 ⚠️(它們在森林浴步道口還有提供竹子登山杖實在很貼心,停車可以停在售票口外的草皮大空地,走進去園區很輕鬆,不需要再花停車費喔。)