Hualien Count Fuli Townshi

Fu Li He Feng

Liushi Dan Mountain Leisure Area is famous for the day lily floral sea. Every August and September is the best time to appreciate the flowers. Tourists often take a rest in Agricultural Produce Center of Fuli Township on their way to watch day lilies in Liushi Dan Mountain.

Fuli rice in Hualien is the varietal Kaohsiung 139, whose mouth feel is like that of Japanese rice, sticky and don’t get old easily. Even it is cooked and gets cold, it won’t turn hard but stay chewy. It is nutritious and healthy.

The Farmers’ Association named it “Fuli” which is a nostalgic flavor and hence very popular. Bento used to be the lunch for local farmers’ convenience during the busiest time in harvest. Farmers’ Association in Fuli introduces the bento with flavors in the old time in hope to promote the delicious rice meal through the affordable village bento.
The local grown vegetables are chosen bento ingredients, and there are seasonal adjustments of the side dishes. The spiced egg, sausage, dried bean curd, pickled cabbage and cucumbers, vegetables, fried meat, flour doughnut are home made and freshly made each day to have the original tastes of the food materials. The appetizing thick gravy that goes along well with the chewy rice awakens every one’s memory of tastes in the childhood.

旅客評價 (Google Map)

Chen Ayi

台東往花蓮很好的中繼休息點。 排骨飯很好吃

Chen Ayi

採用富里的富麗米,很黏Q好吃 飯冷掉也不會太硬 配菜也好吃 可能是過年的關係,很多口味都賣完 沒吃到我愛吃的豬排口味 紫菜湯也好喝 田媽媽的廚藝不錯



Eric Hsiao

超好吃超新鮮的便當,就像家裡做的。來到花蓮不要被騙到池上火車站附近的那幾家便當店,都不新鮮感覺差非常多。 富里農會2樓賣的便當真的非常好吃,大推黃金排骨還有滷焢肉便當!


富里旅遊必吃便當 美味乾淨