Tainan Cit Dongshan Dist

Fairy Lake Leisure Farm


Fairy Lake Leisure Farm is located in Dongshan District, Tainan City, and occupies an area of 52 hectares. The farm has abundant mountains and forests. The sea of clouds that emerges amidst the mountains in the afternoon, with the golden sunlight in the background, is like a fairy lake. The farm provides accommodations, campsites, and barbeque and picnic sites.

There are various insects found on the farm, including butterflies, fireflies, and beetles. At night, you can observe the nature of nocturnal insects, and from April to June, you will see jack-o-lanterns and fireflies dancing about.

Fairy Lake Leisure Farm is famous for its sweet and juicy longan. Mandarin oranges, lychees, and various vegetables are also grown here. You can pick longan, buy baked dried longan, and longan honey, or make your own dried longan, pick fruit and vegetables, make scented tea and sachets, and savor delicious cuisine such as fried egg with pork, bleeding glorybower, high-fiber vegetable rolls, Brazilian fireweed with egg, and healthy chicken and vegetable hot pot. Remember to have some local Dongshan coffee after your meal!

旅客評價 (Google Map)

7 個月前


7 個月前


jessica fang
8 個月前


8 個月前
