Chiayi Count Zhuqi Townshi

Gu Dao Cooking Lady

“Gu Dao Cooking Lady” is next to Fenchi Hu train station. Walking into the restaurant is like going into the kitchen of a mountain family. The Tian Ma Ma, Sumo CHEN, is a native of Mei Shan and she was born in a farming family. After marriage, she moved to Ali Mountain area and started growing teas and bamboo shoots. Serendipitously, Father WAN of the church down the mountain hill invited her to run the church restaurant. She got inspired in the cooking field and continued the work for 20-some years and it won her the fame of cooking lady.

She is good at conveying the local flavors through cooking. The Ali-Mountain bamboo shoot, tea and high mountain vegetables are used for the dishes. She tells the stories on local culture and people through her homemade dishes and has up to 45 different ways to cook the Ali-Mountain bamboo shoot.

Tea Pork
The recipe of the award-winning dish “Tea Pork” is to make the oolong tea first, and then the black-hair pork is soaked in the tea to rid the smell. The spareribs are oil basted then stewed with soybean sauce, mirin and brown sugar till aromatic and finally topping it with the Jin Xuan tea floss and white sesames. The tea flavor will spread in the mouth.

旅客評價 (Google Map)

2 個月前

滿滿的新鮮在地料理 每一道菜都能吃的到食材的滋味! 誰說ㄧ定要吃便當? 田媽媽覺對是更好的選擇!一人三百 吃到健康新鮮美味的食材! 下次一定再來!

4 個月前


4 個月前

1人/300元 夫妻2人共600元老闆娘上菜超給力的,8菜一湯吃到不要!不要的……吃到壓力好大哦😂,沒吃完~怕辜負老闆娘的盛情……溫馨提示:用餐要先預約,以免向隅。

8 個月前


8 個月前
