This building was originally a master Liu brother childhood home of traditional courtyard houses down, great grandfather and father mining Alishan area juniper hand crafted. Walking back and forth to school every day twelve hours to 奮起湖 school, and school and work out a long, 38-year-old decided to resign to return home and regain rural rustic charm, and personally planting, take care of fruit trees and Breakfast tea. 陶淵明 legendary paradise to follow, open to the rustic charm of a nice ring longing for the mountains and experience the lives mountains, beautiful misty realm.
Yuanming living 淵明居 green bamboo mountain tunnel, the trail tours Xia sunset sunset, walk the trails within the cloud fir forest of more than a thousand bands boardwalk trail tea directly embrace fir forest for centuries, and is home to the garden Yuanming. Commanding terrain, surrounded by tea plantations around, hills, sunrise, sunset tours, pro clouds US subscribed to. After the experience of jelly DIY, first green tunnel, tea trail walk around (about an hour), come back to drink and cool jelly is delicious world.
- Address
- No.4, Shizhuo, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
- Phone
- +886-5-256-1066、+886-6-656-2268
- Feature
- Accomodation
旅客評價 (Google Map)
Jojo Jolie
服務態度好到不能再好😍 入住前事前連絡確認房型、外加景點餐廳介紹, 任何小問題都回應速度很快! 整體環境整潔,設計簡約俐落, 窗外面景色佳,雖然天氣不太好,但房間內的舒適度還是很讓人愉悅,包含傢俱、衛浴設備等都有一流水準,暗自的希望自己未來的家就是這樣👍🏼 早餐餐點自助式,健康多樣兼具美味。 可惜前一天沒有選擇民宿的小火鍋晚餐, 期待下次再來拜訪
Jojo Jolie
房間廁所有很重的尿騷味 第二天早上去櫃檯說明才來清洗 早餐很普通 住了兩晚服務人員從來都沒有給過笑容 向服務台請教這石棹附近的五條步道的方位 只給我看幾張照片 連一張簡易地圖都沒有 原因是因為要環保減少紙張的浪費 相當令人傻眼! 這是一晚要價3800的房間 不值得!