
Fulong Sand Sculpting Art Festival

Fulong Sand Sculpting Art Festival
and sculpture is an international contemporary art form combining sculpture, culture, painting, architecture, sports activities, and recreation into one. With its unique impact, its authenticity, participatory nature, and environmental consciousness, sand sculpture seems to have become a major tourist attraction. Taiwan has considerable touristic resources. From north to south there are many scenic beach areas, such as Fulong, Feicui Bay, Shalun, Kending, Qiding, and Shanyuan seaside resorts, especially the stretch along the “horn” of the northeast coast from Yanliao to Fulong. Here there is a continuous 3 Km stretch of golden beach, mineral-like quartz sand, soft and white, with a wonderful feel and that easily clumps together. The beach has been judged the best beach in Taiwan for sand sculpturing by the World Sand Sculpting Association. The Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival is an event to promote sand sculpting in Taiwan. I has established a creative space for Taiwanese sand sculpting so that it can gradually sprout and develop. With each passing year the event gives birth to wave after wave of critically acclaimed success and every year attracts artists from home and abroad to participate by creating their sand sculptures. So be sure to visit the Fulong International Sand Sculpture Festival and experience the energy and enthusiasm of Taiwan!

Fulong Beach