
SeasonFrom Apr. to Aug.

Watermelon is a quintessential symbol of summer and its sweet juiciness can quench any thirst. It is a nutrient-rich, pure, and safe food that contains no lipids or cholesterol but other critical nutrients that people need.In conventional medicine, watermelon is ...



SeasonFrom May. to Aug.

Taiwan grows roughly 14 varieties of prunes; the main variety has red flesh, which contains sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, C, B1, and B2, etc. This heart-shaped fruit has red skin and a blood red or purple flesh and tastes slightly acidic. The skins of prunes have fruit powder.



SeasonFrom May to Sep.

Taiwan cultivates many types of mangoes, with the Irwin mango and Jinhuang mango being the most popular due to their fine quality, deep and fresh taste, and perfect ratio of sweet and sour. Mangoes are rich in fructose, sucrose, carbohydrates, vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium, and other nutrients. The sweetness degree of a mango is 12 ~ 15.



SeasonFrom Mar. to Apr.

Taiwanese loquats have a short planting period and are cultivated based on their flesh colors, either red or white. The white flesh tastes better and has a firm flesh, juicy and sweet taste, and abundance of sugars, malic acid, vitamins A and P, citric acid, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, etc. Furthermore, loquat leaves...



SeasonFrom Dec.to next Mar.

Although strawberries are mainly planted in Dahu Township of Miaoli County, the whole island of Taiwan is known as the “Strawberry Kingdom” because of the common occurrence of sporadic strawberry cultivation. Delicate and delightful strawberries are many people’s favorite fruit due to their soft and juicy texture, fragrant aroma, and sweet taste.



SeasonFrom May to Aug.

Taiwan’s climate is dry in winter and spring but rainy in summer, which is ideal for growing lychee. The main production area is in central and southern Taiwan. Taiwanese lychees come in many varieties: Yu her pau has a fine flesh and is crunchy, sweet, and slightly astringent; Nuomici has a thick flesh and is succulent and sweet like...


Dragon Fruit

SeasonFrom Jun. to Nov.
Dragon Fruit

With a shape that resembles that of an olive, dragon fruit is a king among fruits. With gorgeous and bright red peels, each dragon fruit weighs 500-1200 g, tastes sweet, and has a subtle fragrance. Dragon fruits are rich in pulp fiber, carotene, vitamins B1, B2, B6, B12, and C, calcium...


Passion Fruit

SeasonFrom Jul. to Sep.
Passion Fruit

Passion fruit is a type of post-ripe fruit that tastes best 2-7 days after harvesting. It is full of nutrients that benefit the human body, including protein, amino-acids, Vitamin C, phosphorus, iron, calcium, and crude fiber, which can stimulate the metabolism and maintain energy.



SeasonFrom Apr. to Aug.

In early spring, peach trees in Taiwan are beautiful and in full bloom, and in the summer, those flowers turn into sweet peaches. Taiwan’s peaches are categorized as either ground or mountain peaches according to where they are planted, which also results in different flavors. Regardless of where they are planted, all peaches are rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and vitamins B and C.



SeasonFrom Jun. to Sep.

Known as the “Origin of Fruits”, 14 varieties of pears are currently grown in Taiwan, with hybrid pears being the most popular. Pears planted in Taiwan are protected by bagging and are never polluted by pesticides, from the time they are planted to the time they are harvested. Pears smell good, taste crisp, and are rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, malic acid, citric acid, fructose, vitamins B1, B2, and C, etc.



SeasonFrom Jun. to Aug.&From Oct. to Dec.

Taiwan generally cultivates 17 kinds of grapes, with the kyoho grape being the most common. This species produces large grapes and features a long storage period. These grapes taste sweet and contain various nutrients. Although many markets sell imported grapes, the rich aroma and sweet, delicious taste of Taiwan grapes cannot be replaced!



SeasonFrom Jul. to Sep.

The avocado, whose texture of the flesh is slick and smooth, contains an enormous seed inside. Due to transpiring a milky aroma of butter and pecans, it earns the reputation of "the butter from the forest" which determines itself to be the most nutritious fruit of Guinness World Records. It is a staple food of nutrition balance which...



SeasonFrom Jul. to Aug.

The primary production area of longans is located in the low-altitude mountains of central and southern Taiwan. With approximately 13 varieties, fresh longans are shiny and translucent, not sticky or soggy, and taste sweet and refreshing. Longans can be dried by roasting them in the kilns invented by our ancestors.



SeasonFrom Sep. to Oct.

Taiwan has 14 species of pomelos, including madouwendan pomelo, white pomelo, and pomelo, with madouwendan pomelo being the most popular. Pomelos contain para-insulin, which has a hypoglycemic effect, making it ideal for people who have issues with diabetes or obesity.



SeasonFrom Oct. to Dec.

Taiwanese persimmons are generally categorized as either astringent persimmons or sweet persimmons. Astringent persimmons are larger than sweet persimmons and are regularly shaped. After removing the astringency, they become crisp fruit, which are commonly called brittle persimmons. Sweet persimmons are smaller, and their tops are circular with a flat spheroid.



SeasonFrom Sep.to Nov.

Roselle flowers are often made into flowering tea with honey or into sweetmeats or jams so that people can enjoy their sweet and sour taste. Roselle flowers are rich in anthocyanins, flavonoids, and polyphenols, which can improve people’s appearance, adjust blood lipid levels, and maintain the liver in good condition. Furthermore, Roselle can balance human’s pH value, thus helping them to stay healthy.



SeasonFrom Dec. to next Feb.

Named for their resemblance to dates, kumquats are actually a citrus fruit and are formally known as “golden tangerines.” Yilan is the main production area of kumquats, which are circular or elliptic, golden brown, and roughly the size of a human thumb. Both the flesh and...



SeasonFrom Nov. to next Feb.

Taiwan, has more than 20 species of tangerines, all of which are acidic, and sweet, soft-fleshed, and succulent. They are full of such nutrients as vitamins A, B complex, and C, as well as such minerals as sodium, potassium, magnesium, and zinc. Taiwanese tangerines ripen at the end of autumn...



SeasonFrom Dec.to next Feb.

Taiwan generally cultivates four kinds of oranges: sweet oranges, blood oranges, navel oranges, and sugar oranges. Oranges are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins A, B, and C, phosphorus, malic acid, etc. They are juicy, taste sweet, and have a succulent, exquisite flesh. They are refreshing and hit both sweet and acidic notes.




The plums cultivated in Taiwan come in six main varieties and are farmed on the west side of the central mountain range. Plums can induce appetite, dispel abdominal distention, resolve the effects of alcohol, prevent motion sickness and colds, etc. Since these plums are highly acidic and only slightly sweet, they are not often used as fresh fruit...



SeasonFrom Dec.to next Apr.

Almost 50 kinds of tomatoes are planted throughout the year in Taiwan. The most common varieties are black tomatoes, momotaro tomatoes, golden tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes. With thin skins, a succulent flesh, and high sweetness, Taiwanese tomatoes contain lycopene, beta carotene, vitamins A and C, and other antioxidants, providing the Taiwanese people who enjoy them with high nutritional value.



SeasonFrom Dec. to next Feb.

Cultivated in both Taiwan and India, jujubes look like green apples. Traditional jujubes have been modified through professional Taiwanese techniques to achieve a tasty, succulent, sweet, crisp, and fleshy fruit, making it one of Taiwan’s high-grade products. With a shiny light green peel, jujubes are rich in vitamins C, B1, and B2. As for vitamin C, it has five times more than a watermelon, nine times more than...



SeasonFull year

Fresh papaya is rich in nutrients, tastes light and soft, and is also ideal for cooking. It contains Vitamins A, B, B1, B2, and C, as well as a variety of minerals (iron, calcium, and potassium), protein, papaya enzymes, cellulose, and organic acids. The amount of Vitamin A and Vitamin C is not only five times higher than that in watermelon and bananas but also three time higher than the required daily intake. It can help prevent influenza or at least relieve related symptoms.



SeasonFull year

Pineapples can withstand high temperatures and long droughts, so Taiwan’s excellent climate and environment possess the geographic advantages to plant pineapples throughout the year. Pineapples are rich in such nutrients as vitamins A, B complex, C, and E, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, carotene, etc. Pineapples offer a number of varieties, with the ananas comosus tasting the best and ultimately becoming Taiwan’s representative variety thanks to its high sweetness, low acidity, fine flesh, and strong flavor.


Bell Fruit

SeasonFrom May to Jul.&From Nov. to next Mar.
Bell Fruit

Nearly all year round, Taiwan’s people can enjoy delicious and succulent bell fruits, with Pingtung County as the largest cultivation area. With a fine and sweet taste, bell fruits vary in appearance and species based on the changing seasons. In winter, they are red and black, and the darker the color, the sweeter the taste. In summer, bell fruits are light red due to the additional hours of sunshine, which help them to grow more quickly.


Custard Apple

SeasonFrom Aug. to next Mar.
Custard Apple

With the best production technology and optimal fruit quality, Taiwan is the world’s main cultivator of custard apples. Beinan, Taitung County is the country’s largest production area. They are generally divided into “big custard apples” and “pineapple custard apples”. The former has a thick flesh with a sweet and acidic taste and an aroma similar to those of passion fruit and pineapple, and the latter has a subtle aroma and a smooth and sweet taste!
