Yilan Count Toucheng Townshi

Toucheng Leisure Farm


Yilan’s Toucheng Leisure Farm is situated in the mountains facing the ocean. The three rivers streaming through it provide abundant water as well as a natural landscape and rich ecological resources. Here you will see Japanese rhinoceros beetles, Taiwan barbets, common bluebottle butterflies, and fireflies.

With a variety of wild vegetables, such as Brazilian Fireweed and asparagus, and animals, including free-range chickens, Muscovy ducks, boars, and goats, Toucheng Farm is reminiscent of the agricultural country flavor of old.There are also many fruit trees from which you can pick and taste fresh fruit all year round.

The Rice Paddy Culture Area allows you to experience the life of a farmer. Here you can transplant rice seedlings, dry rice, and take part in rice winnowing, threshing, and grinding.The sheep pen and hen house allows visitors to interact with and feed animals up close and collect chicken eggs.Or you can fish for tilapia and carp to fully experience agricultural life and discover many interesting things you will only find in the countryside.

At the farm you can also make DIY crafts, leaf print t-shirts, or recycled bags. Enjoy the farm’s mung bean soup, rice noodles with taro, sweet tangyuan, taro sweets, Taiwanese noodle soup, shaved ice, and other traditional snacks.

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旅客評價 (Google Map)


今天住開蘭行旅及參加寶貝期盼巳久的頭城農場螢光蟲之旅活動, 農場準備了豐盛的自助式晚餐還可以烤肉, 真好玩, 5月巳是賞螢旺季, 看到好多不同種類的螢光蟲, 好美~ 像極了天上美麗的星星。 因為來的時間是51勞動節連假, 農場旅客很多, 沒能與老公及寶貝好好慢步在山間是唯一美中不足的。 期待著~ 與老公及寶貝下次旅行到來。





Dana Lin

剛入門,人潮不多時的農場,顯得幽靜,令人誤以為空間只有遊客中心前。其實不然。有自由廣場園區五倍的空間範圍,搭配多元的活動,很適合多對親子或家族到此二天一夜深度小旅遊。 1.迎賓下午茶很農家味~有湯圓、綠豆湯、愛玉、刨冰、麵線、擔仔麵和餛飩湯。 2.有機農場採季節蔬菜,今天入手朝天椒和茄子。 3.柴燒比薩DIY,多種食材,各依喜好,簡易製作,簡單好吃。 4.自助午晚餐和BBQ,不算高檔料理,就是傳統農家樂口味,水果好吃。 5.祈福天燈DIY,從5張紙開始自製天燈,寫上祈福字句,黏上底架,點火後,還會在預備階段幫忙拍照紀念。看著自製天燈在天空冉冉升起,搭配音樂,滿有感動。 6.1.5小時的生態導覽,幽默風趣,不僅可以讓遊客認識農場的植物生態,增長知識,也可以看到羊、水牛、火雞等動物,值得參加。 7.農特產品DIY,團隊合作製作帶得走的金桔醋,也能葉拓自己設計的布包或衣服。 6.孩子在此並不缺活動,除了排定的行程,還可以餵魚、餵羊、玩泡泡、農村運動場舒筋活骨,園區探索等,也不用擔心肚子餓,隨時有東西吃是農場主人有人情味的待客之道。農場還有放山雞的土雞蛋,也有海綿蛋糕、自耕蔬菜販售,也可以從園區漫步到藏酒酒莊。總之,是很適合團體聯繫感情的活動場地。 11~12/07/2020