New Taipei Cit Sanxia Dist

Manyueyuan National Forest Recreation Area

Situated in Yomu District of Sanxia Township in Taipei County, the hilly terrain of Manyueyuan (Full Moon) National Forest Recreation Area rises in elevation from northwest to southeast. This 1573-acre area ranges from 300 to 1700 meters above sea level. The winding Rueizai Creek, upstream of the Dabau River, humidifies the area. With a moist climate, summers that are cool and refreshing, and a mean annual temperature of 19.9oC, this area is an ideal place for outdoor activity.

This area is notable for its sandstone shale, two faults and geologically young rivers. The steep valley creates a tremendous height difference of just 1000 meters less than 6 kilometers vertically. Since the steep landscape forms beautiful waterfalls upstream from the Rueizai Creek, this area is famous for these clusters of small waterfalls. On sunny days, sparkling water splashes and colorful rainbows form at the famous Manyueyuan and Chunu (Virgin) Waterfalls to create an ethereal atmosphere. During the rainy season, the roaring sound of moving water is riveting. Along the creek, each of the trails and the giant rocks beside the creek are all ideal places at which to stop. Like the Neidong area, Manyueyuan is famous for its phytocide- and anion-rich forest baths.

Manyueyuan National Forest Recreation Area


Opening hours:08:00~17:00 (Weekends & Holidays 07:00~17:00)

‧Mon.~Fri.—Adults NT$80, Children NT$50, Concession NT$10
‧Weekends & Holidays—Adults NT$100, Children NT$50, Concession NT$10
‧Groups (20 or more) NT$80

Note:For safety reasons swimming is not allowed in the Rueizai and Dabao rivers.

Highest Temperature℃
Lowest Temperature℃
Rainfall Probability

旅客評價 (Google Map)

MiChan Chan
1 個月前

在三峽大豹溪的上游,一條叫做蚋子溪的支流上,座落著一個擁有瀑布、生態與楓紅的美麗小天地:滿月圓國家森林遊樂區。 距離三峽市區約40分鐘的滿月圓國家森林遊樂區,海拔在300至1700公尺之間,終年潮濕涼爽,孕育了豐富的蕨類生態,連對環境要求高的「團扇蕨」都可以找到。過去這裡曾有小規模的伐木,今日整齊的人造林見證了那段歲月。 這裡有豐富的鳥類與兩棲、蝴蝶生態,像是少見的白喉笑鶇、赤腹山雀等,都是滿月圓重要的鳥明星喔!而每年12月左右,這裏的楓紅也美的動人,有「台灣最美低海拔楓紅」的美譽。 位於健行步道盡頭的滿月圓瀑布與處女瀑布,也是遊樂區的兩大美景,從滿月小橋上望去,只見一垂高十餘公尺之大石壁遮掩滿月圓瀑布上端,瀑布直沖而下,聲勢極為壯麗,處女瀑布則較為溫柔婉約,在陽光普照之日,光影在水瀑間折射變化,時常可見瀑布有著虹彩般的絢麗。

MiChan Chan
1 個月前

去滿月圓對我這種辦公室女生來說真的小吃力 但努力一段路後,就感覺腎上腺素飆上ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ喔齁齁齁齁齁~ 是真的蠻累人的,有看到招牌說會有猴子來瀑布,但我是沒看到啦~ 前段步道是柏油路、碎石路,越後面的步道,很多都階梯,我老公還蠻不喜歡階梯路,真的很傷膝蓋的路呢~QAQ)捨不得我家老公,載我奔東西,卻還要傷膝蓋陪我~ 倒是很驚人的是貌似3歲的雙胞胎妹妹跟媽媽一起爬步道看知名的處女瀑布~重點當我們要死要活的爬,她們還是很激動的HIGH著叫邊爬山(((゚д゚)))!!! 有時爬一爬真心覺得我真的沒有再想是甚麼瀑布,我只想著甚麼時候休息QAQ) 希望未來再回頭走走時,能輕鬆來回走~

7 個月前


7 個月前


7 個月前
