New Taipei Cit Shimen Dist

Beihai Station Shi Nong Rice Dumpling

Shimen District is on the northernmost in Taiwan. The island wide famous agricultural produce is its tea “Shimen Tie Guanyin”, the charcoal roasted Tie Guanyin is especially popular.

All the participants of the Home Economics Program and staff of the Farmers’ Association for “Tian Ma Ma Beihai Station Shi Nong Rice Dumpling” aim to provide consumers with local cuisines that are delicate, healthy, tasty and special, in hope to benefit its leisure industry. Besides, the association work together with Farmers’ Association of Banchiao District and launched a rice dumpling product series made of sprouted rice, to improve the local industry competitiveness and strengthen the strategic alliance, also to develop the features of local traditional industries.

Related products of “Tian Ma Ma Beihai Station Shi Nong Rice Dumpling” are as following—sticky rice series: traditional rice dumping, yolk rice dumping, vegetarian rice dumpling and rice dumpling of health benefits; sprouted rice series: rice dumpling of traditional flavor, sweet vegetarian rice dumpling and mashed-taro &yolk rice dumpling. Each flavor can be customized to replace or add fillings for flavors. And products are available for home delivery for more convenience.

Eating, drinking, having fun on the northern coast, and the combination of tea and rice dumpling hopes to create a special cultural feature for local industries in the Shimen District; through word of mouth to create the market for “Tian Ma Ma Beihai Station Shi Nong Rice Dumpling”. We have great hospitality, clean and rural villages which are the dream destination for travellers. Shimen cordially welcome your visit and we believe you will return loaded with souvenirs and physically replenished.


GPS:E121 33.52

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1 年前

購買35元傳統肉粽,料多實在,糯米粒粒分明Q Q的我喜歡的口感!

1 年前


Marrim Huang
2 年前
