Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm, situated in Danei District, Tainan City, lies on 120 hectares surrounded by the Zengwun River and Wushan Mountain. The farm consists of many types of terrain as well as a 40-hectare grassland, which has become the habitat for over 150 wild animals, including numerous protected species.
There are over 30 recreational facilities, making Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm the perfect place for vacationing, exercising, and leisure.
You can choose from activities including grass skating, archery, swimming, tandem bicycling, and pedal boating, or take the tour bus around the farm. You can also make your own mantou (Chinese steamed buns) and potted plants, feed calves, use ancient agricultural machinery, roll hay bales, and also visit the bee ecological pavilion, local zoo, garden art gallery, herbal area, or forest to enjoy the relaxing life in the countryside.
Tsou-Ma-Lai Farm started as a grass farm. With the help of Mama Tien, the farm established the grass restaurant with specially designed grass dishes made with freshly picked and homegrown rapeseed, radishes, and tomatoes.