Kaohsiung Cit Luzhu Dist

Goat Ranch

Following the winding paths in the fields, visitors can easily find “He Guang Ranch” as well as the famous “Goat Ranch”. He Guang Ranch has a history of more than 20 years and there are more than 400 herds of sheep. Goat milking takes place daily in the morning and in the evening and the milk is processed into all kinds of goat milk products with the Tian Ma Ma’s help.

The female owner, Qiuxiang LIN, said, “ Our goat milk is fresh and mellow; there is no goaty and musky taste.” She was first the sheep mom and later the Tian Ma Ma. She told us, “ We didn’t have capital when we were young. My husband would like to be in husbandry business, so we started with 5 herds of sheep, raising them and shipping fresh milk.”

There is 6-hectare grazing, free of pesticide, next to the ranch. The green juice, 100 % extracted from the grazing, is full of grassy smell and is fresh, nutritious and healthy. The green grazing steamed bun made of pennisetum purpureum schumach juice is rich in chlorophyll so the bun carries a slight grazing aroma.

The most interesting thing here is the goat milk hot pot that is mixed by a certain proportion of goat milk with soup stock, added in vegetables and mushrooms produced by Production and Marketing Group of Farmers’ Association in Luzhu District; the milky white soup has the natural sweetness from the ingredients and the mutton slices boiled in it is tender and juicy.

With group reservations on weekdays, the ranch is open to the public on weekends or holidays. Both adults and children can feed the lambs milk or pasture, and they can also milk goats or attend the ewe pageant. This is a nature classroom for parent-and-children on holidays. If tired, visitors can have a glass of fresh goat milk along with some snacks made by pasture; there is nutrition and delicacy of the goat milk and pasture.

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旅客評價 (Google Map)





往牧場的路僅能單輛車輛通過,路非常小,很擔心若遇到對向有車該如何會車?產業道路沿路都有店家的指標指引,不怕迷路。 離牧場大約150公尺處有一空地可停車,牧場空間不大,進到裡面有鐮刀、布手套、籃子可自行免費借用,再自行到停車場處割牧草餵大小羊群們,也可自費花25元買一罐羊ㄋㄟㄋㄟ餵小羊,大人小孩都可以盡情餵得很開心,裡面還有一個小沙坑。當天16:00才有擠羊奶體驗,網路上查是15:30,不知道是改時間或是有事延遲了?負責導覽的人員,非常有耐心跟溫柔,小朋友害怕會鼓勵小朋友再試試,也會讓有興趣體驗擠奶的觀眾全部都體驗的到,擠奶完還會將羊奶殺菌後讓大家試喝熱/冰兩種口感,一樣沒有令人害怕的羊騷味,立馬就到商品部帶了一瓶回家,10瓶可以免費宅配,有興趣的可以跟店家聯繫喔。 羊奶製品商店可以購買商品休憩,商店販賣的品項眾多,拿鐵、鮮羊奶饅頭、牧草紅豆饅頭、冰淇淋、霜淇淋、鬆餅、黑輪片、羊奶、羊乳片等等,種類可能太多了~價目表並沒有完全刊登出來,羊奶好喝不會感覺到羊騷味,10瓶可以免費宅配,有興趣的可以跟店家聯繫喔。 有人說環境味道不佳,但其實就是羊的體味阿~但商店門口的垃圾桶可以考慮用腳踩掀蓋式的,垃圾桶招惹蠻多小果蠅或是蒼蠅的,免費的景點,商品好吃,服務人員親切,超級推薦!!

Hsin-Wen Chang

可以免費停車又免門票連餵羊的牧草都免費,可以餵的很過癮,還有小沙坑,經營者實在很佛心。 店內賣的產品不太多,大大大推羊奶,都沒有騷味👍👍👍


買了餵羊寶寶的奶,但只有放兩隻羊,他們可能已經喝太飽,不太想喝奶。 羊奶茶跟霜淇淋羊味不重。 出來買了旁邊番茄園的番茄,很甜好吃。