Changhua Count Huatan Townshi

Ai-Hsin Garden

Ai-Hsin Garden, the only moxa ecological and educational park, is located in Huatan Township, Zhanghua County and run by Mr. Zhenghui LEE and the farmers’ association. Moxa is developed into series of products and together with the products, a small-sized ecological village is established.

There is a restaurant in the park, not only the delicious moxa dishes, but also many moxa products for health enhancement are available. There are moxa fileds growing a large amount of moxa outside, and they are a body-and-mind enjoyment satisfying both vision and taste.

Tian Ma Ma, a group of moms working hard and cooking well, integrates moxa and seasonal fruits and vegetables to create the unique moxa dishes. The objective is to benefit the health through eating, so each moxa dish is cooked by means of low oil, little sugar and sodium. Therefore, asides from tasty, the dishes also meet modern people’s expectation for a healthy diet.

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dayday Ho

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