Changhua Count Fangyuan Townshi


The aquaculture in Zhanghua County is abundant in clam, bass, shrimp, milk fish as well as asparagus and the main feature is pearl oyster.
The leader of home economics program of Wanggong, Mrs. Jinchai HONG, offers her idling aquaculture farm to the program participants, who love the fishing villages, to use. In order to bring more features to the set menus and to satisfy the consumers’ tastes, the program participants often develop the dishes together. The dishes emphasize the features of the seafood and “3-low diet”, low oil, sodium and sugar, in order to offer healthier cuisines.
To make the dishes affordable and economical, they use local fishery products to make dishes, such as fried oysters, sautéed kusters, clam soup, sautéed asparagus and oyster pizza; they also provide coffee. The creative dishes—coffee and set menus, along with the tide, sunset and ocean watching enhance the added values of Tian Ma Ma program as well as revenues of the business.
Leisure Activities in Wanggong Fishing Port

In recent years, the government is dedicated to the promotion of leisure scenery around Wanggong Fishing Port, such as the Xun-li-fang-yuan Lighthouse on the periphery of the fishing port, The King’s Arch, The Bridge of Ecological View, and mangroves. The most typical activity of Wanggong area is riding the oyster picking truck and watching the intertidal ecology. The coastal area in Wanggong has been an important touristic corridor. The quality of humanism in the fishing village is enhanced and there is also coffee service along with the wind by the sea and tide watching for fishermen and tourists to enjoy. It is a great enjoyment of current travel trend.

旅客評價 (Google Map)






招牌黃金煎麵線好吃,有用豆鼓偏重口味,麵線煎的外酥內軟。 可以選無菜單料理,給老闆配,我們4大2小配2000元,六菜一湯(其中有一盤青菜,飲食均衡),我個人還不算太高價位。 有菜單,可以點菜,也會比較適合想來王功吃海鮮或蚵料理的人。 不是每組客人都喜歡無菜單料理,評價差異會很大。 有嬰兒餐椅,場地也大,在這裡吃飯其實也蠻舒服的,我覺得餐廳的環境還不錯。


*餐廳外觀:仿地中海配色, 有些微身處異國感。 *餐廳環境(外):可停大小客車。 由於近漁港,因此海風相當大。 也可到附近的觀光漁港參觀丶消費。 *餐廳環境(內):為L型用餐區域, 有吧台,挑高天花板。整體來說寬敞。 *餐廳菜色:由於近漁港, 海鮮為此餐廳招牌。 吃過後,海鮮類確實是此店招牌。 因此,我推薦海鮮類的菜色。 *備註:此評論是本人親身嚐菜的感想, 僅供參考。個人口味接受與否,還請斟酌。


一開車進來,看到環境,以為走到荒廢店家,進來後燈光昏暗,很懷疑 食物稍嫌油膩。 這間沒菜單