Taitung Count Taimali Townshi

Ching Shan Farm

Chingshan Farm, a Tian Ma Ma Restaurant located in Jinzhengshan Leisure Farm area, is at the altitude of 800 meters on Jinzhengshan. The building was built in 1967 served as the processing factory of daylily as well as the rest space for the labors.

Since the 1st Floral Season was held by the farmers’ association of Taimali in 1998, the original pick, harvest and processing style has been changed into leisure agriculture. Currently there are sakura, Taiwan lily, hydrangea, daylily through 4 seasons and light worms, sunrise and starry night for visitors to enjoy in the nature.

The food materials on the farm come mainly from the daylily, gingers, tea and vegetables of four seasons grown in the Jinzhengshan area, as well as the produces in Taimali such as roselle, cajan, jackfruit, and sakya, together they are turned into various dishes. Asides from Chinese cuisines, there are also snacks, desserts and beverages of local features available.

We look forward to seeing you here in Chingshan Farm where there is a beautiful and natural environment and ecology. Also we’d like to share our environmental friendly efforts of local production and local consumption with you!
Travelling by Car:

Southbound or northbound passing through Provincial Highway 9, locate the CPC Gas Station, at about 402.5km, in Taimali Township and there is Jingxuan Road (an archway with a daylily flower sign at the entrance) as a fork in the road next to the station. Follow Jingxuan Road up to the mountain. It takes about 30 minutes from Provincial Highway 9 to the farm.

Travelling by Train:

Get off the train at Taimali Station then take a taxi, which costs NT$500/one trip.

Travelling by Airplane:

The fastest way, more expensive though, from Taipei to Taitung is to go by plane. Fly to Taitung airport then take a taxi to the farm.

Travelling by High Speed Rail (HSR):

Take HSR to Zuoying Station then change train to Taimali Station

Travelling by Scooter:

Route is the same as that of travelling by car. It takes around 30 minutes from the entrance of Jingxuan Rd. to the farm.

Travelling by Bicycle:

It sounds very crazy but there are plenty visitors cycling up to the farm. But the time it takes varies, for the league of athletes it takes 1 hour; while the slowest record is 4 hours. We believe the fastest and slowest records would be broken at any time.

旅客評價 (Google Map)





mickey Chen

搜索台東的櫻花觀賞地點好像並不多 抱著跑一趟試試看的心態上山 導航帶我到一個分叉路停下來正在猶豫如何選擇看似錯誤的地圖,旁邊施工人員路過問我去哪裡之後說:看那個導航沒用啦!這條路改過三次,地圖沒有及時更新路線,帶你去巡山啦!好樣的當一次大王的手下^_^ 聽從好心人建議沿著大路走,很順利到達目的地,沿途還是有被路邊的櫻花吸引停留拍照的啦! 到達園區,有一位阿伯笑著跟我說:要進去賞花可以買一張60元票,可以抵用咖啡館或是用餐,也可以先咖啡或用餐再免費入園,快12點還沒吃早餐先繞一圈看看之後決定先用餐。 四菜一湯的合菜四人份550,詢問後可以一人用餐250,食材新鮮沒有太多調味適合我的胃口,服務親切可以續飯,雖然量不多對於我還是撐到吃不完,這餐很意外的美食相當驚艷。 吃飽了要散散步,入園後發現每一個細節都很用心在維護,就連下雨了沒拿傘阿伯都好心給一把,不同品種櫻花開的時間有差異,園區不算很大逛一圈慢慢走不用一小時,大多時間花在拍照,令人心曠神怡的好地方。 逛完園區來一杯熱鮮奶茶70,雙球冰淇淋70,價格很美麗,休息的空間更美麗,松樹下看雲海喝奶茶配冰淇淋。 這裡還有住宿價格不算貴有含早餐,私人產業可以維護如此確實不容易 這是一個會讓人還想再來的地方,5-6月繡球花,8月金針花,開始計畫下一次假期^_^



Anne Kao
