Miaoli Count Xihu Townshi

Secret Garden

Walking into the garden in the remote mountains, people desiring to contact nature can take a deep breath. There are numerous floral plants and herbs; Tian Ma Ma, Lihua XU is good at making the herbs into handmade dishes. She said, “cooking the fresh herbs with the food materials can best release the original aroma and flavor of the plants.”

Recalling her change from a floral farmer to a restaurant owner, she said there were days in the beginning that she felt frustrated, but she kept learning making cuisines and coffee, and getting licenses. She utilizes the skills she learned in the Tian Ma Ma program and now she has her unique point of view in choosing food materials and seasoning the dishes. Coffee she makes has brought working moms in the neighborhood to have a cup of coffee every morning before they set off to work.
In the day time there are butterflies and migratory birds to watch, and in the night time there are frogs croaking, cicadas singing, fire worms flying: there are different shows in the nature through out the year.

She is friendly and romantic that brings the dining environment a delightful atmosphere, and the classical music in the background that makes the dishes even more appetizing and helps digestion; the handmade desserts, handmade red rice cookies and the candied dates are all sourvnirs to bring home. The Harry Potter Doll in the restaurant is made of betel nuts- in Secret Garden, the muses of turning stones into gold are everywhere.

“Rosemarry Drumstick” and “Citronella Pork” are dishes she is very good at. “The Signature Hakka Stewed Duck in Soy Sauce ” looks like braised duck. The trick of making it scrupmtious is to steam the duck till cooked, then simmer with Hakka rice paste. Their home gardern is right behind the restaurant, so the vegetables are freshly picked and served that customers can enjoy a toxic free and healthy meal.
Lihua XU also invites friends to Secret Garden for the Secret Garden Feast in the summer vacation, and the invitation writes “In the scorching summer, we need to relax our body and mind, go to the nature for the natural breeze and embrace the nature.” As if I heard the cicadas and birds singing in Secret Garden as well as the gentle breeze in my face again.


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4 週前

藏身在西湖的丘陵之間 主人用心研發與製作的餐點都令人食指大動😋 非常適合與家人或三五好友共同聚會的場所 假日遊客稍微多了一些,建議可以提前電話預約座位 服務生妹妹很親切,餐點都是現點現做大約需等候15至35分鐘不等~😆 在等待的同時可以先在戶外的花園拍拍美照~~🥰 園內種植各式花草,吸引許多昆蟲前來🌱 如果想好好體驗苗栗的山林美景,不妨前來這裡 靜靜慢慢地感受,絕對讓您不虛此行~👍

1 個月前

很棒的露營區,有陣陣的花香,草皮很柔軟,沒有什麼蚊子,洗手台排水很好,淋浴設備水力與溫度都很舒適,是個會讓人想再次造訪的露營區😄 只有一點希望老闆可以改善:往VIP的卸貨區,入口的斜坡不是很平,有落差,一般轎車容易撞到底盤。

Winnie Kuo
1 個月前

環境維護不錯,天氣好的時候去很舒服,老闆很熱情,老闆娘動作溫柔、輕聲細語。 但是,點餐的年輕妹妹講話非常不客氣,跟老闆老闆娘差異很大,點餐全程毫無溫度.....原來點牛排時說不能挑熟度是因為廚師會煮成十一分熟超乾。原來點完餐時說要等15-35分鐘,是第一個客人都吃完了最後一個客人的餐還沒上。

Amy Lu
1 個月前


3 個月前

超級無敵不推的露營區 1 廁所在遙遠的角落 晚上根本不敢去 2 服務態度差 年輕老闆 老老闆說法不一 還氣噗噗 3 流理台的水是黃色還有雜質 店家解釋含有礦物質安心使用 那為何還備用5桶山泉水說給我們煮沸喝 4. 包A區 6帳加1個客廳帳根本是沒有縫隙剛剛好 沒有多餘的空間 24個人沒地方坐 是叫我們煮好端回帳篷內吃嗎? 店家解釋 土地是經過丈量不用爭辯 爛透