Q: “Chocolate” Farm is a less common theme in Taiwan. What are the origin and features of A-Shin Chocolate Farm?
A: The raw material of chocolate is coco, which is grown mostly in central and South America, Western Africa and Southeast Asia. But the climate is suitable for coco tree in the regions south of Chiayi, Taiwan. Also in the past years, farmers ran into developmental dilemma in growing betel nut trees; therefore, we start planting coco tress in Pingtung. Through processing techniques, we promote the generic brand and we hold Chocolate Exploration and Ecology DIY events to make the tourists understand chocolate further.
Q: What do tourists experience in the ”Chocolate Ecology DIY” activity in A-Shin Chocolate Farm?
A: We will conduct the tour guiding by walking everyone to the coco tree garden and closely observing coco tress. First step of DIY activity is to open the pods of coco fruits and taste its sweet-and-sour white pulps. We also provide chocolate jam and mould for tourists to express their creativity in filling a painting. Finally we put the work in the refrigerator for cold forming. This activity is especially suitable for parents and children to do together. It takes around 60 minutes.
Q: Are there other experiential activities on the farm? How should tourists participate in these activities?
A: Our “Little Farmer Planting DIY (小農夫一盒田DIY)”, an activity which you can paint a plant box and grow seedling inside, is catered to children’s needs. And “Essential Oil DIY” is popular among adults and kids who can make the essential oil mosquito repellent themselves. We welcome reservations via TEL or our website.