Nantou Count Ren’ai Townshi

I-Na Atayal Restaurant

Nanfeng Village (Meixi Tribe) is around 15-minute drive from Puli at Provincial Highway 14 to Wushe and it is the place that will be passed on the way to Qingjing or Lushan Hotspring. Residents are mostly “Seediq” here. In the early days, it was famous for the “Meng Gu Waterfall”, and it was always crowded with tourists on holidays. Therefore, in the early stage when government promoted the transformation of villages, Nanfeng was the earliest leisure farm area developed and transformed in the township.

However, the mudslides caused by the July-Second Flood in 2004 flooded the Meng Gu Waterfull which was leveled to the ground. The tourists were put off seeing the disaster. Luckily, the crisis was turned into an opportunity, “Tian Ma Ma, I-Na Atayal country style cooking program” started in June 2005.

“The duty of love is to take the responsibility and serve”, the Tian Ma Ma, I-Na Atayal country style cooking program has made a name for the Atayal traditional food because the program leader, Jiaomei JIANG, showed her selfless spirit and the strong vitality in making efforts for the disaster relief. The cooking program uses local featured food materials spiced up by the indigenous people’s traditional condiments to reach a balance between traditional and modern diets and satisfy the needs of different segments.

Dishes such as Xiang Fish and Green Phoenix, use local food materials—sweet fish, free ranch pigs and chickens, cabbage grown in the high mountains, beef tomatoes and cherry tomatoes and the indigenous people’s traditional condiments made by alianthus prickly ash, angelica sinensis, litsea cubeba and indigenous onions, so that it saves the production costs and also provides consumers the freshest and authentic dishes.

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