Yilan Count Zhuangwei Townshi

GE Garden Restaurant

Bucket Roasted Chicken
Bucket Roasted Chicken uses the fresh prime cut chicken of the day and each chicken weighs 1.8kg. The chicken is massaged and marinated with salt and spices for hours. Roasting till cooked in the bucket takes 1.5 hours. Because the preparation is complex and lengthy, customers who’d like to taste the Bucket Roasted Chicken have to make a reservation in advance.
Sautéed Honey Dew Melon and King Oyster Mushroom
The modern travelling puts emphasis on ecology and promotes green travelling so this fruit dish uses local grown honeydew melons and king oyster mushrooms, together with sweet peppers so the flavor and mouth feel are both refreshing and it is a colorful and aromatic dish.
Pumpkin Rice Noodles
Pumpkin Rice Noodles is a very popular dish and the ingredients are local pumpkins and shallots. Sauté the ingredients till aromatic and boil the rice noodles first, then sauté all in a wok. The sautéed rice noodles are not greasy and the mouth feel is really chewy; the flavor and smell of local pumpkin together with the rice noodles makes it popular.
Pumpkin & Doufu
Dice the pumpkins and have some shrimps mixed with doufu and steam all the ingredients. The pumpkin puree with doufu tastes refreshing and mellow. Though it looks like steam eggs, it is actually a delicate doufu dish.
Healthy Melon Soup
The main ingredients are squashes and pickled melons, which are made of local honeydew melons that are half ripe. The dish is antiseptic free. In addition to the pickled melons, fresh pumpkins and mushrooms can also be found in the soup. So there is a tad of fragrant smell of the honeydew melons. This dish, passing down from the grandma, receives great feedback so that the dish is also often ordered.
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