Yunlin Count Kouhu Townshi

Tilapia Ecological and Creative Park

2009 top 10 outstanding Farmer Award National treasure – taiwan tilapia

The Kouhu Fish Products Convenience Store of Yunlin County works with aquaculture operators to process the improved top tilapia. The products are certificated by national delicate fish product association “Hai Yen” and the international fish product HACCP, which successfully promote the Taiwanese tilapia to the world. Except for exportation, these delicious products can also be tasted in the high-end or hot-pot restaurants in Taiwan. In recent years, the shop has combined bio-development and successfully produced the beverage and care products of collagen extracted from the fish scale and body. These products are so popular that they extend another market besides the traditional process industry. The General Manager Yi-Feng Wang was also honored with 2009 Top 10 Outstanding Farmer Award with such an achievement. The Tilapia Ecological and Creative Park has been founded and provides special Taiwan Tilapia dishes and the guided tour of the fish ecological knowledge. Welcome to make a reservation for visiting!

Source:inhu Leisure Farms Development Association of Kouhu Township

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新鮮魚湯供遊客品嚐❤️❤️很鮮甜 環境乾淨衛生👍👍 豐富魚類介紹 還有兒童遊戲室👍👍 歡迎大家一起來玩👌


餐廳餐點好吃,服務人員親切! 試吃的魚湯也是大方又好喝! 買回家的冷凍食品也很好吃! 非常推薦! 雖然展場比較小,但可以對台灣鯛有深入的了解,中午飯後走走看看還蠻有意思的


蠻有趣的地方 服務人員非常親切有禮貌 餐點很好吃,會讓人想帶朋友來逛逛吃吃 一隻台灣鯛從頭吃到尾真的是厲害 砂鍋台灣鯛魚頭,鯛魚片,蒲燒鯛魚片,魚下巴,魚鱗做膠原蛋白,魚尾做魚翅,魚皮當小菜外還能做皮飾用品,就是厲害了 另外還有個球超多的球池和小小朋友的遊戲區 不怕小孩帶來又魯小小,讓爸爸媽媽也能休憩一下 離開前,想帶個伴手禮更是沒問題,1000塊就一大箱了,有份量又有面子 值得大推的好地方




很厲害啊 把一隻魚發揮的淋漓盡致