Yunlin Count Kouhu Townshi

uncle shui’s educational Fruit Farm

rose tomato

“Uncle Shui” Ching-Shui Hsu moved back to hometown in 2000. Since entering the agriculture industry, Mr. Hsu has put his heart and soul to improving the tomato types, and finally developed the sweet and red type – the Rose Tomato, via grafting. Mr. Hsu’s rose tomato farm is located at the southeast coastal village with strong wind and less water. The seriously salinized soil offers the saline water to rose tomato, which creates a unique flavor that makes rose tomato extremely popular. The successful grafting of rose tomato also creates a new market for local agriculture.

Source:inhu Leisure Farms Development Association of Kouhu Township

旅客評價 (Google Map)

Je Wa
2 個月前

非常美味~~ 老闆都很好客 👍 超幸運能夠買到😀現場剩九盒😛

Je Wa
2 個月前

意想不到的好吃 品質超優沒得比

4 個月前

非常好吃。 想請問台北有那裡可以買得到。 之前有機超市有供貨,現在店家休業, 買不到了。。。。 嗚嗚~

Chun Nan Chou
5 個月前

好吃到給五顆星都不夠。 汁甜皮薄,不小心一盒就吃光了。

Derek Lin
1 年前
