Yunlin Count Kouhu Townshi

Jichai Noodle

Handmade Black-eyed Beans Noodle

There were up to five, six noodle manufacturers in Kouhu area in the 60s and 70s, while Jichai Noodle is the only one still running steadily today. With strong supports from the hard-working family members and the trustful operations, the logo of “Yelu (wild deer)” can thus still serve the consumers on the noodle packages. Every morning, the family starts a busy day with preparing all the materials. From making to sun drying the noodle, the owner is always in charge of every step in order to assure the best quality of Oolong noodle, plain noodle, white misua (thin noodle), and black-eyed beans noodle. Jichai Noodle, though small, has put all efforts to preserve the good old tastes that save and remind all the nostalgic memories.

Source:inhu Leisure Farms Development Association of Kouhu Township

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