Yunlin Count Kouhu Townshi

chenglong Wetlands

chenglong Wetlands

Chenglong Wetland is plentiful with ecological resources, including the red-tailed shrike, little tern and so on protected species. There are nearly 100 bird species from 30 families frequently nesting here. It is quite common to see little egrets fly in flocks, and sometimes you can even see mandarin ducks or water ducks swimming around. During sunset hours, the falling sun and the flying gulls make up a gorgeous scene in the wetland ecological area. In winter, it is very possible to see the migratory bird – the black-faced spoonbills. The wetland contains many fishes, shrimps and shellfishes which attracts birds to come for food. Chenglong wetland is not only a precious ecological environment in Taiwan, the annual Cheng Long Wetlands International Art Project also shows the various possibilities of this precious wetland.

Source:inhu Leisure Farms Development Association of Kouhu Township

旅客評價 (Google Map)

T.H.Truman Wang


T.H.Truman Wang



As a Yunlin person, I recommend small attractions You can enjoy the super beautiful sunset and wetland Sunset glow with the background of the fishing village Convenient transportation is next to the express road Unfortunately, the parking lot has not been properly planned If you do more landscaping and publicity, you can definitely attract more people 推薦小景點 可以欣賞超美夕陽跟濕地 晚霞輝映搭配漁村背景 交通方便旁邊就是快速道路 可惜還沒妥善規劃停車場 如果再多點造景跟宣傳一定可以吸引更多人潮

Minghu Yang
1 週前

2021.04.17 今天去,網路上照片常出現那個平台,封起來了= = 現場真的,沒什麼好看的,就一片水,沒溼地感,只有魚溫感 這是我對於今天的評價 2021.04.24 不過有人說,施工的地方不是網美拍照處 而是GOOGLE導航的位置 那我們就等其它人是否有PO出更新的照片再來看吧

2 個月前

成龍濕地的形成起源於口湖鄉居民賴以為生的耕地,因地勢偏低、長年超抽地下水,導致地層嚴重下陷,水患不斷,加上颱風引發海水倒灌侵襲,變成一塊廢耕的濕地,卻成為溼地植物與水鳥的樂園。 桑田變滄海,從風頭水尾的惡地,變成風光明媚的寶地 成功復育了豐富生態豐富的成龍溼地兼顧生活、生產、生態的永續模式,翻轉地層下陷劣勢並獲選國家永續發展獎 但實際去了之後,目前已漸漸沒在整理了,裡面設備的依舊,藝術的壁畫卻退色了,有可能那邊並不好找,遊客變少,也沒有什麼商店可以逛,在那裏也難吃飯,更別說咖啡店休閒一下,連7-11都沒找到。 但夕陽,藝術作品還是在,看看一下也是不錯的