
Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

Bayang is the owner, and she is Amis from Hengchun. She is good at cooking traditional dishes and making good use of her yard to show visitors how to make leaf rubbing and fermented rice soup. The whole process was so relaxing like a magic beyond imagination. I am not sure if that is the alcohol kicked in or I was just so happy to feel such euphoria.
Because I was too happy there and I would say if you came to Chishang but didn’t visit there, you were still far from being familiar with Chishang.

Leaf rubbing is easy and children love this activity because they like tapping with the mallet, and the adults also enjoy the thrill from the activity. It seems not just the leaves but those we hold grudges against were being bat in our imagination. I believe this is efficacious to release our pressure.

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Two kinds of leaves from the yard as the material for leaf rubbing

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Hit it hard to squeeze the juices out of the leaf

There were marks of the leaves printed on the cloth. With proper arrangement, there will be beautiful geometric patterns. After he easy and special process, a nice work was done. Everyone can benefit from such a DIY activity. And it is more than a piece of beautiful cloth, it also has other uses.

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲The petals and the beautiful leaves. The brown ones are the coffee leaves.

Bayang who knows how to cook well was going to show us how to make fermented rice soup, which is a traditional dish of Amis people. Everyone would bring a bottle of the homemade fermented rice soup which can be a dish of its own or a side dish with salads. The fermented rice soup is sure to gain a sweet spot in your heart.

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Fermented rice soup with fruit salads really hits the spot

Bayang had prepared the steamed sticky rice, water and yeast and we just followed the steps and took good care of the temperature as well as the proportion of water to get the semi finished product. After bottling, place it still for 3 days for the yeast to start fermenting. It is ready to serve when the appetizing flavor emanates from the bottle.

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲The sticky rice is ready, just get started!

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲The temperature will affect the flavor of the fermented rice soup, so we have to be scrupulous.

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Mixing the yeast and water and stirring well

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Bottling to 60% of the jar so there is room for hydrogen gas

Bayang mentioned something interesting—the yeast determines the flavor of the fermented rice soup. Every Amis tribe uses different formula when making their own yeast and therefore the flavor of fermented rice soup varies. The feature of Bayang’s fermented rice soup is “sweet but not too much, with moderate acidity”. If you use others’ yeast for the fermentation, you may get a different taste.
After bottling and capping, now use the leaf-rub cloth as a sealing decoration, and that’s your very own fermented rice soup!

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Self made fermented rice soup and the sealing cloth is another work of mine

Bayang’s specialty dishes are all written on the blackboard. Currently this Amis restaurant is a no menu restaurant open for dinner only. When the weather is fine, the dining tables are set under the trees, customers can enjoy the scrumptious dishes with rice wine alfresco.

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲Menu of the day. What is “The Hunter’s Ludu?”

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲The indigenous cuisine made with seasonal ingredients.
Courtesy: Bayang’s Amis Restaruant

Chishang in Taitung – Bayang’s Fermented Rice Soup and DIY Leaf Rubbing

▲The indigenous cuisine made with seasonal ingredients.
Courtesy: Bayang’s Amis Restaruant

Bayang’s Amis Restaurant

Mobile: 0917-838023
Leaf rubbing and DIY fermented rice soup, minimum charge NT$800 (at least 4 participants, NT$200/each)
No menu dinner, minimum charge NT$2,000 (at least 4 people, NT$500/each)
Please make a reservation the day before your arrival.