
Fruit Picking, Cloth Dyeing, Cold Spring Bathing One Day Trip in Ruanpikeng

“Ruanpikeng Leisure Agricultural Area” in Dongshi Taichung is a good getaway from the hustle bustle and relax body and mind. Following upstream of Ruanpikeng river, visitors can go to scenic spots such as the orchards, hiking trails of heaven ladder, the bridge built by sticky rice mortar, and the river bank park. Whether it is fruit picking, hiking and cold spring bathing, or the DIY natural dye and flat noodles, these events allow tourists to enjoy the natural scenery.

The Origin of Its Name “Ruanpikeng”

The abundant “Ruanpikeng”river in “Ruanpikeng Leisure Agricultural Area” nourishes the produce by the river bank, fish and shrimps in the river and brings diversity to the local ecology. In the old days, the ancestors directed the water to irrigate the farms so the stones were moved to build the pond. But the torrential rain washed the stones away so that they worked together to rebuild it and that is the origin of “Ruanpi”, namely a soft pond.

Their Hospitality of Treating Customers

“Love Valley Orchard” grows produce, such as Jabuticabas, tankans, oranges and bamboo shoots. The orchard owner, Mr. Qinghui Chi and his wife love the earth so that they don’t use herbicide and follow the instruction of safety medication to grow the vegetables and fruits. Many patrons like the bamboo shoots from Love Valley, they even come to the bamboo forests to choose and make reservations in advance. When the harvest season arrives, they bring the fresh bamboo shoots home. Mr. and Mrs. Chi also make their own sweet and sour marmalade for their patrons to dip the cooked bamboo shoots as an expression of their hospitality. Coming to “Love Valley” in late November or early December, tourists can pick the tankans and oranges. Tourists coming in any season can enjoy the fun of bathing feet in the mountain spring pond, and receive the warm hospitality from Mr. and Mrs. Chi.

◆ Making a reservation to pick fruits: 0963-215191
◆ Orchard Add: No. 9, Qingfu Str., Qingfu Village, Dongshi District, Taichung City
◆ Time Table for Fruit Picking:
 Tankan and orange: Late November till early December
 Jabuticaba: February, Late April and Early August

Fruit Picking, Cloth Dyeing, Cold Spring Bathing  One Day Trip in Ruanpikeng
Bamboo shoots from Love Valley Orchard are popular among patrons.
Fruit Picking, Cloth Dyeing, Cold Spring Bathing  One Day Trip in Ruanpikeng
The cooked bamboo shoots with the marmalade dip made by Mr. and Mrs. Chi taste refreshing.
Treating Trees Well to Grow Distinctive Loquats

“Shinhe Garden” is on Provincial Highway 8 leading to Guguan. The garden owner, Dechang ZHAN, is a tree lover who keeps a vast primeval forest of camphor trees to grow together with the fruit trees. He said, “it takes just several minutes to cut trees, but many years for trees to grow this tall.” Mr. ZHAN, from a farming family for generations, masters the techniques of fruit cultivation and is apt at creation so he ameliorated loquat trees to make the fruits 3 times bigger and much higher in brix than the general ones, which draw tourists to come; asides from loquats, he also grows pears and mangoes. As long as coming in harvest season, tourists can enjoy the fun of fruit picking.

◆ Making appointment to pick fruits: 0935-710069 (50 people/day)
◆ Orchard Add: No. 528, Sec.4, Dongguan Rd., Qingfu Village, Dongshi District, Taichung City
◆ Time Table for Fruit Picking:
 Pear: July 20th to late August
 Mango: July to mid August
 Loquat: March~April
◆ Official Website:http://shinhe.emmm.tw/
◆ Fan Page:http://bit.ly/2JvpMsU

Fruit Picking, Cloth Dyeing, Cold Spring Bathing  One Day Trip in Ruanpikeng
Mr. ZHAN is a tree lover and loath to cut trees, so that he makes the fruit trees such as pears and loquats coexist with the camphor trees.
Happiness from Handmade Activities

Ruanpikeng Leisure Agricultural Area launched a variety of DIY activities, such as plant dyeing cloth, making flat noodles and succulent combo. Dyeing cloth needs “dye yams” boiled to red brown juice, then people can exert their imagination to create beautiful patterns on a white cloth; making the flat noodles by steaming the rice milk, then rolling it into a bite size, participants can savor the rice in Hakkan style. Firefly watching activity is held here every April and May, the local farmers are the docents giving tourists guided tours. Tourists can seize the opportunity to visit and watch dots of fluorescents all over the sky.

◆ Making a reservation to pick fruits: 0928-698228
◆ Add: No. 75, Qingfu Str., Qingfu Village, Dongshi District, Taichung City
◆ Fan Page: http://bit.ly/2JvdJMb

The Good Place to Shop for Fruits

“The Holiday Market” is next to Tiangong Temple, local residents’ belief center in Ruanpikeng Leisure Agricultural Area. It sells local produce, marmalade, persimmon vinegar and dried Kaki, all are popular souvenirs. The pears “RuYi”and “Ruanpikeng No.1” from Ruanpikeng. RuYi looks light yellow and shapes like an apple. It tastes juicy and quenches thirst; Ruanpikeng No.1 is rounded with delicate texture and it doesn’t oxidize for four hours after it was cut open. Both worth trying. Besides, the production season of local fruits comes one after another, permissions in autumn, citrus in winter, loquats, peaches and plums in spring. If you come on weekends or holidays, you can see local farmers’ stands, selling their fresh and quality fruits and produce in season.