Miaoli Count Tai’an Townshi

Guanwu National Forest Recreation Area

Guanwu (Fog-Watching) National Forest Recreation Area is situated in Wufen Township near Hsinchu and Taian Townships in Miaoli, upstream of Daan and Tochien Rivers. This 907-hectare area ranges in elevation from 2,000 to 2,500 meters above sea level and is constantly enveloped by fog and clouds. Its climate is cool in winter and warm in summer with a mean annual temperature of13oC. In summer, it is the best place to visit in northern Taiwan.

Except for the area immediately surrounding the Guanwu cabins, most of this area is hilly. Due to its open terrain, visitors can enjoy an impressive view of endless peaks. This “Holy Ridgeline” of the Snow Mountain range makes for a stunning landscape. Among all of the mountains, the barrel-shaped Dabajian Mountain has been deemed the “Summit of the Century.” Although there are few waterfalls at mid-high elevation in Taiwan, the impressive 30-meter high Guanwu Waterfall beneath the giant trees is an example of one. In the afternoon, this misty area is usually enveloped by fog and clouds. At times, the fog produces an almost mysterious atmosphere, and at others, low fog produces a beautiful ocean of clouds. Masses of clouds, mountains, and forests make up the typical landscape in Formosa. Guanwu is like a microcosm of this gorgeous Formosan view.


pening hours:    07:00~17:00
Due to typhoon damage, the Dalu Forest Trail is temporarily closed.
Note: Guanwu is in a controlled access area. Visitors need to bring ID and apply for a permit to enter the mountain area.

旅客評價 (Google Map)

yahua tsai
1 個月前

雪霸國家公園觀霧管理站在新竹五峰清泉大鹿林道內生態環境自然沒有過多的裝置藝術(塑膠製品)園區內有原生種霧社櫻花純白花色小巧精緻 每年3月中旬盛開山莊前還有大島櫻,各式各樣的花朵還有天然大冷氣空調雲霧步道、山椒魚步道、觀霧瀑布步道、檜山神木步道、榛山步道、賞鳥步道、蜜月小徑⋯讓人一來再來

yahua tsai
5 個月前


6 個月前

實在是罊竹難書啊… 從路途遙遠道路狹窄,沿路還有車子車輪陷入水溝(難怪連高速公路拖吊車都來待命等生意上門😓),到停車場又少又小,整個園區標示又不清楚,販售部東西又少又貴,連住宿區可能消防有水壓問題,長時間停了部老舊消防車待命…旁邊斜坡還差點有人掉下去,還好只有安全帽滾下去不過也找不回來了… 結論:完全不像是“國家級”風景遊樂區,改名難民級風景收容區也是剛好而已…無論在安全、經營、管理都不及格,官僚體制的僵化與落伍展現無遺😡 政府在振興觀光!?對不起…我笑了 P.S.圖片的美景竟然是必須在路邊停車然後和一群遊客險象環生之下拍到的,現有的景觀台是沒這個View🤣🤣

7 個月前


8 個月前
