Nantou Count Lugu Townshi

Wuxiu Leisure Farm


Come and visit the Bamboo Charcoal Kiln at Wuxiu Leisure Farm in Lugu Township at 1:00 pm! After successful research into bamboo charcoal kilns in 2002, the farm’s kiln was modified into a type of improved traditional kiln that produces Wuxiu Moso Bamboo Charcoal, also known as Black Diamond in Japan.

Wuxiu’s artificial kiln is open to the public, and guided tours are provided to explain the charcoal manufacturing process.

Come and visit the Bamboo Charcoal Kiln at Wuxiu Leisure Farm in Lugu Township at 1:00 pm! After successful research into bamboo charcoal kilns in 2002, the farm’s kiln was modified into a type of improved traditional kiln that produces Wuxiu Moso Bamboo Charcoal, also known as Black Diamond in Japan.

Wuxiu’s artificial kiln is open to the public, and guided tours are provided to explain the charcoal manufacturing process.

Youhuang Café, located in Lugu’s Half Sky B&B, was built with moso bamboo by old masters using the principles of mechanics; no tiles, bricks, or pillars were used. Here, visitors can taste the unique flavor of bamboo charcoal coffee, snacks, and seasonal bamboo cuisine while admiring the swaying moso bamboo on the vast mountainsides.

旅客評價 (Google Map)

Chingsen Tai


Andrea Chen



如果你不知道來鹿谷第一站要去哪,這是大家的第一個好選擇✨ 園區清幽雅緻,冬天來的時候可以窩在幽篁館的咖啡棧,喝點熱茶、竹炭咖啡或是肚子餓可以來份鮮竹筍火鍋,夏天到來更是避暑的好地方,外頭還有涼亭吹吹風,聽聽竹子的嘰嘎聲享受當下~~~ 老闆娘人很好👍🏻親切客氣,講解員姐姐也非常認真教學,這裡不只能好好放鬆坐下,也是寓教於樂的休閒小天地,吃吃零食、還有這邊的竹子商品特產🎋🎋🎋

