
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin

Written by Senior Editor, Xue Yao KUO, and senior travel copy writer, LiangLiang

Yunlin, located between Zhuoshui River and Peikong Creek, has abundant ecological resources, especially Kouhu Township at the seashore, because of its rich aquaculture, Council of Agriculture especially established “Jinhu Leisure Farm District” in 2006, the purpose of the district is to make people better understand our agricultural and fishing environments through fishery tourism, green leisure, and food and agricultural education; it also becomes a good option for parent-child trips.

Xiahu Port, originally the “Old Jinhu Port”, is the only port in Yunlin area. It is said in JiaQing years, Qing Dynasty, the emperor came visit Taiwan, when he stopped by Xiahu Port, the waves were strong that ships had to find shelter in the port; as soon as they came into the port, the emperor found it very peaceful inside the port and thought this place had its uniqueness, so he named it “JinHu”, which is the name origin of the “Jinhu Leisure Farm District”.

Horse Hoof Clam is really yummy and fun-fulling
Driving from Provincial Highway 60 to Provincial Highway 17, you will arrive at the tourist information of “Jinhu Leisure Farm District”; follow the directions, you will see a blue-roof building sitting in the fish pond; it is the “Horse Hoof Clam Museum” mainly cultivating Geloina erosa.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
Geloina erosa is one of the speices in mangroves, often rested at the interface between fresh water from the rivers and marine water, or the intertidal zones of mud flats where mangroves are densely covered. It has a hard, thick and solid shell. Because its shape seems like the horse hoof, it is also called “Horse Hoof Clam”.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
Horse Hoof Museum has a 3-hectare fish pond, visitors can experience “killing two birds with one stone” (because the pond is deep that when visitors catch clams, the pants would get wet and therefore “washed”), or choose to wander around by taking the rubber raft to enjoy the scenery of the fishing villages.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
How could you miss the tasty horse hoof clams when visiting here? No additional cooking steps necessary, simply steaming horse hoof clams for several minutes, the sweet juice and fresh and tasty meat are ready to serve. Using spoons to scoop when eating, and eat the adductor as well. Especially the female clams, they have abundant hormone in the gonad that helps to stay young and look beautiful and increase the stamina or energy.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
After tasting the yummy horse hoof clams, don’t forget to appreciate the handcrafts made of shells. Various delicate and cute designs in animal shapes and color painted art works all show the unique clam and shell craft. If interested, visitors can participate in the DIY activities well designed by the Horse Hoof Clam Museum. Whether it is the night lamp or name card clip often used by the adults or animal shapes children are fond of, visitors can all experience the fun of hand making.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
Taiwan Tilapia, the best “GOLDen” nature class
You must have heard of tilapia but may not know the national treasure of Taiwan, the “Taiwan Tilapia” is the quality species after improvement. One after another big Taiwan Tilapia is often seen jumping with strength in the fish ponds in the seashore area of Kouhu Township, Yunlin County, fishermen could catch more than 30,000jin, a unit of weight (=1/2 kilogram), in a day, therefore, the Taiwan Talapia is the major fishery product in Taiwan.
The Kouhu Fishery Coop in Yunlin County founded the “Tilapia Ecological and Creative Park” in 2015 in order to promote local fishery history and ecology of Taiwan Tilapia, the Park is also the first tourism factory featuring Taiwan Tilapia in Taiwan. The general manager, Yi-feng Wang, is from the fishing family in Yunlin. After graduation from college, he returned to the village and developed the technology to extract collagen from the scales of Taiwan Tilapia and successfully solve the issues of large number of scales. The collagen is exported to Japan at a high price and he won the Agricultural Model Award as the youngest winner in 2009. In 2011, he even developed the “Tilapia fins” made by tilapia tails to reduce the demand of catching sharks and minimize its entailing environmental effects. So far the park has been awarded in several aspects: No.1 in size and quantity of cultured fish in Taiwan, No. 1 in export and production, the only 1 certified park acknowledged by Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) and the only 1 park in Taiwan making aerospace fuel additives from the collagen designated by United Nations. At the end of 2016, the park was enlisted in the “Creative Life Business” by Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economics; it is a role model often recognized by various institutes in fishery industry.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
In the park, “Taiwan Tilapia Creative Wonderland” is the most welcomed by kids. They can understand the ecology, structure and operation of the industry through a variety of interactive facilities with audio visual effects and the voice guided tour. The factory also designed cute and lovely Tilapia action figures “Prince Tiplapia” and “Ni” to make learning more fun for kids!
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
The virtual fishing pond, just walking in the space, there will be a bunch of Taiwan Tilapia showing up.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin

Asides from the Wonderland, “Tilapia Ecological and Creative Park” also has space for Collagen Beauty Formula, a savory kitchen and food tasting room, assorted seafood shop and restaurant. “Magical Seafood Restaurant” just established last year serves table d’hote as well as individual hot pots and set menus. Tilapia fillet, season tilapia skin, Tilapia chin stewed in soy sauce and sugar, and collagen jelly are dishes made from local tilapia and can’t be missed! When you have the parent-kid trips here, don’t forget to taste the Taiwan Tilapia!

Mullet Roe, a “GOLDen” Tasty Food Material
Kouhu Township, Yunlin County is the place of origin of mullet roes. Every October to December is the production season that a lot of mullet roes are taking “sun bath” around street corners. Stores will have a big task force for taking ovum out, cleaning, grading and packaging; no wonder Yunlin county champions every year in the “Top 10 Quality Mullet Roe” contest held by the Council of Agriculture, because the mullet roe is the most popular if it has orange red color, a bit sticky texture, proper saltiness, and good mouth feel.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin
Processing mullet roe looks easy, but there is a great knowledge behind it. Salt can’t be too much or too little, time of exposure under the sun really depends on the experiences, and it has to be hard and dry enough otherwise it will grow mold or deteriorate easily. On the west coast, catching mullets and making mullet roes has a history of several hundred years. The experiences passed down together with the modern agricultural and fishery technology guarantees quality mullet roe from Kouhu.
The Golden Rich Seashore Family Eco-tour to Yunlin

Coming to Yunlin, there is more than Gukeng Coffee and Janfusun Fancyworld, Kouhu Township at the seashore has a rich nature resources, bring your family and come have an ecological exploration!

Tourist Information Center, Jinhu Leisure Farm District

Address: No.50 Lane 402, 2nd Section, Chongwen Rd, Kouhu Township, Yunlin County
TEL: (05)789-5475

Horse Hoof Museum

Address: No.5-3, Yangyu Rd., Kouhu Township, Yunlin County

Taiwan Tilapia Ecological and Creative Park

Address: No. 1-88, Minsheng Rd, Lundong Village, Kouhu Township, Yunlin County
TEL: (05)799-3996 (Booking is required for group tour)
Business hours: 9:00-17:00 (Tuesdays Off)