Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Donna Carat, with a history of grape growing over 30 years, is one of the four wineries in Waipu, Taichung, and it is near the observatory of High Speed Rail Station. To receive tourists, a vast vineyard and dragon fruit garden right behind the winery is open to the public so that tourists can take photos with the fruits in close distance and the fruit garden is right by the road without any fences. On the day we visited, the grassland was just trimmed and mown and the grape vines over head are thick that creates a green and beautiful view.
Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Photo: A small patch of vineyard next to Donna Carat is ideal for picnicking.

Asides from wine making, the owner, Liqing PENG often organizes various activities to invigorate Waipu District, such as picnics under the vines, fruit picking, wine tasting, wine cheese and onion wine tasting, etc. PENG has all kinds of ideas and is very versatile that she always arranges different tour programs and caters to tourists’ interests; hence, even if you come every year, you won’t experience repeated program, which means there are already many regular groups of tourists come year after year.
Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Photo: Liqing PENG likes making crafts and this piece is delicately handmade.

Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Photo: The small bonsai in the shape of a wine bottle is from a DIY program for tourists to experience

Liqing PENG also enjoys the collaboration with other business owners in Shui-Liu Dong Leisure Farm Area, together the tour programs are enriched. Tourists who love natural scenery can visit the scenic spots in Shui-Liu Dong Leisure Farm Area and have a tour to learn the unique local environment and agricultural produce.
Taichung metropolitan area is getting busier and busier. Waipu on the outskirt of the metropolitan area becomes a good getaway on weekend. The winery is busy on the weekdays that only guests who make a reservation are received. Weekend is a good opportunity to visit the winery.
Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Photo: Reservation is necessary to avoid disappointment if you want to visit the winery on weekdays.

Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Photo: The winery has 6 wine products for choice. Wine lovers are welcomed to visit.

Wine Tasting with Interesting Activities   Donna Carat, a Winery Tourists Keep Coming Back

Photo: Products of Donna Carat display in Agricultural Arts Heritage Center

Donna Carat Winery
Add: No. 73, Lane 188, Shuitou 1 Rd., Liufeng Village, Waipu District, Taichung City
TEL: 0910-990118
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