
[Local’s Recommendation] All Year Round Guava Picking in Huashengmei

Huashengmei Orchard is a professional orchard that grows guava in Wannin Village, Fuli Township. Without toxic pesticide along with sod culture, the orchard is so green. Visitors will see free range chickens walking around in the garden every now and then. This comfortable place is ideal for guava lovers to enjoy the fun of fruit picking.

Photo: Huashengmei Orchard is the first one growing guava exclusively in Fuli Township and there are also various fruits in the garden.

Township and there are also various fruits in the garden.
Guava picking is easy, since all the dwarf trees bring the fruits bigger than softballs within reach. After the introduction, tourists can choose the guava they favor, and pick it simply by turning the stalk. No sweat at all.
The orchard adopts pesticide free farming and is currently getting organic certification. Because no pesticide on the guavas, there is no worries of pesticide residues. Tourists can have the guavas right away and taste the sweet fruit. It takes less than 15 minutes to get a full bag of fruits. This is a great place to bring kids to see the ecology and fruit trees as well as have a food and agriculture class with fruits and fun.

Photo: Tourists can have a bag of guavas and it’s better to come early.

The garden grows guavas that are available in 4 seasons, and other fruits such as loquat, Roselle, mango and citrus. Fruit picking is available all year round, just make an reservation in advance with the orchard.

Photo: Have you seen the look of guavas in the cell expansion phase?

Photo: Dwarf guava trees make the fruits within tourists’ reach.

Photo: The orchard adopts sod culture so that the soil cannot be easily washed away by rain, and is rich in organic matters and moisture. Watch out for the chickens running around in the orchard!

Photo: Cuilin WU is a professional farmer with years of experiences growing guavas. See how big the guavas in her hands!

Huashengmei Orchard
4 people will make the trip and NT$250/each for a full bag of fruits
Tel: 0936-450932
Add: Chaoning No. 1-5, 8th Neighborhood, Wannin Village, Fuli Township, Hualien County (around 305K of Provincial Highway 9)